各国都在针对俄罗斯采取行动 乌克兰 FEMEN 甚至翻入俄使馆裸体抗议

查看30013 | 回复94 | 2013-7-2 16:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 同志哥 于 2013-8-3 10:04 编辑


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殷静 | 2013-7-2 22:43 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
殷静 | 2013-7-2 22:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
匿名| 2013-7-2 23:46
殷静 | 2013-7-2 23:52 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
殷静 | 2013-7-2 23:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 殷静 于 2013-7-3 00:00 编辑
游客 122.233.203.x 发表于 2013-7-2 23:46

同志哥 | 2013-7-3 13:35 | 显示全部楼层

韧性、游刃有余的斗争将继续,我们只是配合外因的内因,事物发展、突破靠内因,世界的 LGBT 人群及其利益是一体的,我们对于大人老爷们谈判桌上的事情没有兴趣,但他们休想签订针对我们的慕尼黑协定,就这样,来自民间的压力将从世界的四面八方涌来,我们会注意方式方法和有理有节。
殷静 | 2013-7-3 14:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
同志哥 | 2013-7-3 14:34 | 显示全部楼层

楼上的错了,跟我电话通知要求删帖的是玉泉地方的一个派出所民警,接上级要求,他也是要吃饭的人,某当局和北面某邻居为了某种攻守同盟而可以牺牲甚至比 LGBT 更大的利益的事实,我们早就应该估计到,这也算是投石问路,了解一下水有多深,对我们下一步行动有好处,我说我们只是民间在法律、政策的框架内发出声音,不去触及政治和意识形态,同性恋在中国是合法话题,警察说你们个人出于某种感情给他们打电话、写信属于个人行为,他们也未必一概都管的着,但如果是这样网络号召,引起外交麻烦就问题大了,所以我在形式上让一步,但我将采取其他更加合情合理、无懈可击的方式。
殷静 | 2013-7-3 14:58 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

同志哥 | 2013-7-3 18:46 | 显示全部楼层

匿名| 2013-7-3 21:45
殷静 | 2013-7-3 21:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
游客 125.210.73.x 发表于 2013-7-3 21:45
有时间在这耍嘴皮子却没时间去做检测,还妄想感染更多的人以期达报复社会之劣心,张嘴说话和大粪一样臭,集 ...

同志哥 | 2013-8-3 10:05 | 显示全部楼层

蓝冰血儿 | 2013-8-3 11:32 | 显示全部楼层
同志哥 | 2013-8-3 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
蓝冰血儿 发表于 2013-8-3 11:32

同志哥 | 2013-8-3 14:22 | 显示全部楼层

签名支持俄国同志团体 抗议恐同法案

Don't say gay

Dear jimmy,

Russia crisis: President Putin's crackdown against gays and lesbians is exploding across the nation. The government is arresting innocent people at Pride marches. Coming Out, one of Russia's biggest gay organisations, lost their trial and now faces a big fine that could close them down.

Days after Coming Out lost their trial, President Putin passed a law that makes it illegal to say the word "gay" in public. Dozens of courageous Russians protested against the law, and were dragged away by police.

It won't be easy to stop the crackdown in Russia. But we've put together a powerful plan to fight back against Putin and his bullies. If 3,000 All Out members chip in a donation in the next 4 days, we can get started. Can you join in?

Please click here to make a secure donation:


First things first. If 3,000 of us donate, we'll send 10,000 euros straight to Coming Out to help them stay open and able to provide support to people within Russia. And, if enough of us join in, we'll have a vital fighting fund for All Out to keep pushing for freedom and love in Russia and around the world.

Can you chip in to make it happen?


Here's what we could do together, if just 3,000 of us chip in now:

•Hit them where it hurts – the wallet. Push leaders of countries with big economic links with Russia to speak out, by growing our petition to a million signatures and delivering it to key ministers.

•Create a storm at the Winter Olympics. Russia hosts the Olympics next year and all eyes will be on them. We could use social media, advertising and petition deliveries to pressure big sponsors like Coca-Cola to speak out.

•Build a powerful media presence. Organise press briefings to inspire journalists to write about the Russia crackdown and the courageous people in Russia standing up to the attacks. Over time, that could build into a global media narrative powerful enough to threaten Russia’s reputation and economic interests.

•Take it to the streets. Track the movements of President Putin and senior government ministers, so we can mobilise All Out members across the world to take to the streets wherever they travel.

•Culture is power. Russian punk protesters have shown how music and culture can be a powerful force against tyranny. When A-list musicians plan to tour Russia, we could launch big email and social media campaigns to ask them to speak out against the crackdown.

Click here to donate so we can put the plan into action:


All Out campaigns don't cost much money to run, because we don't have a marketing department or layers of bureaucracy. Just a small, dedicated global staff team and 1.7 million amazing All Out members across the world!
But it's not free to run All Out, and right now, we need just 3,000 people to step up and give a donation to help super-charge this Russia campaign.

If we keep quiet and let President Putin get away with attacking Russian gay, lesbian, bi and trans people with no response, he'll just keep hitting harder and harder. And worse – it would give a green light for any smaller, less powerful nations who're wondering if they can get away with stepping up attacks on their own people.

But we can push back. All Out members are in every nation. We can move fast and we're powerful together.

Help stop the Russia crackdown – please chip in today:


If 3,000 of us donate in the next 4 days, we can help Coming Out continue to protect and support brave Russians who stand up to Putin. And we'll have the funds we need to make sure All Out members can keep fighting too.

All Out members are building a world where no one has to sacrifice their family, safety, dignity or freedom because of who they are or who they love.

Signing a petition, making a phone call to a government department, spreading the word on Facebook or Twitter – there are moments when those things are exactly what's needed to take a little step towards the world we want to live in. Right now, what's needed urgently is for just 3,000 of us to chip in to help keep our campaigns going.

Please join in – click here to make a secure donation: https://www.allout.org/russia-crisis

Thanks for going All Out,
Andre, Guillaume, Jeremy, Marie, Sara, Simon and the rest of the All Out team

PS: All Out is a registered not-for-profit organisation. We are a global team with staff based in Rio, Paris, Seattle, London, New York City and Asunción building powerful and efficient campaigns every day, so your secure donation will go a long way. Read more about All Out here and about Russian organisation Coming Out here. Make your secure donation here: https://www.allout.org/russia-crisis


Russian Gay-Rights Activist Fined For Violating 'Foreign Agents' Law - Radio Free Europe, 26 June 2013

Russia passes anti-gay-law - The Guardian, 30 June 2013

Pride parade in St. Petersburg met with violence, hostility - Toronto Star, 30 June 2013

Sochi 2014 Olympics Unsafe For LGBT Community Under Russia's Anti-Gay Law, Activists Warn - International Business Time, 4 July 2013

Putin: Business leaders want to see Russia reform and re-engage with the outer world - Global Post, 20 June 2013

Putin Concedes 'Foreign Agent' Law Needs Improvements - Voice of America, 14 June 2013
http://www.voanews.com/content/p ... ements/1681996.html
同志哥 | 2013-8-3 14:23 | 显示全部楼层


Anti-gay Olympics?

Dear jimmy,

Russia's anti-gay crackdown is being reported in the media, including major sources like The New York Times. Global coverage of the Winter Olympics has just launched - that means we have a major chance right now to push world leaders to speak out against the attacks in Russia.

One world leader could really make a difference at this critical moment – the International Olympic Committee. If the IOC condemns Russia's anti-gay laws before the Olympics, it would put huge pressure on President Putin to stop the crackdown.
Already, more than 215,000 of us - including you - have signed the petition to world leaders. If we get the petition to 300,000 we'll deliver every name to the International Olympics Committee office in Switzerland, in a way they can't ignore.

Please forward this email and ask people to sign the petition here:


The IOC is already feeling the pressure. Their response? Claiming the Olympics should go ahead with anti-gay laws in place, because Russia says it won't arrest gay athletes and visitors. But that's not good enough – the Olympics are about solidarity and respect. We can push the IOC to go further and demand real commitments from Russia.

The media have started to write about the growing controversy, but it's going to take a lot more of us to get involved fast to really grow the pressure on the IOC. Now's the moment when it can do the most good.

Can you forward this email to friends and ask them to sign the petition too? Here's the link:


We've shown that together we're powerful. All Out members helped end forced sterilisation of trans people in Sweden, got FIFA to speak out against Nigeria's ban on lesbian soccer players, stopped Brazil from legalising gay cures and won equal marriage in France.

Russia's treatment of LGBT people is a huge challenge. If we can turn the tide, it will have incredible ripple effects for love and equality all around the world. We've been partnering with Russian organisations to fight these laws for the last two years, it's time powerful organisations like the IOC did their part.

The Winter Olympics is a huge opportunity to hold Putin accountable, while the spotlight is on Russia. Let's not miss the chance – forward this email now and ask your friends and family to join the massive outcry:


Thanks for going All Out.

Andre, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Joe, Marie, Sara, Tile and the rest of the All Out team

PS: You could also spread the word to friends and family by sharing the petition on Facebook or Twitter. You can do that quickly and easily by clicking the buttons below:  


An Olympic Legend on Boycotts and Bigotry - New York Times, 29 June 2013

Russia's 'majoritarian' crackdown on minorities rolls on with new anti-gay law - Christian Science Monitor, 1 July 2013

Russian anti-gay laws inspire Sochi Olympics, vodka boycotts - Associated Press, 29 July 2013

Shame on the IOC, NBC and foreign governments for turning a blind eye on Russia's LGBT hate campaign - The Guardian, 29 July 2013
http://www.theguardian.com/comme ... gays-sochi-olympics
同志哥 | 2013-8-4 10:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 同志哥 于 2013-8-4 19:32 编辑

同志哥 | 2013-8-4 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 同志哥 于 2013-8-4 19:33 编辑

同志哥 | 2013-8-6 10:19 | 显示全部楼层


Russia: 24 hours to delivery

Dear Jimmy,

Russia anti-gay crackdown: we’re getting ready to deliver the petition – including your name – directly to the International Olympic Committee in Switzerland.

We’re finalising the plan now and hope to be outside their front door in 24 hours – but we urgently need to get to 300,000 signatures before the delivery.

If we deliver a petition rocketing past 300,000 names in person, it'll show the Olympic Committee that the pressure is building for them to speak out against Russia’s anti-gay crackdown.

We only need 14,985 more signatures to hit our target - can you help by sharing the petition on Facebook or Twitter? Click below:      

Or forward this email and ask friends and family to sign it here:

Russia will host the next Winter Olympics in less than 200 days. Thousands of us have already joined the call for the International Olympic Committee to speak out against the anti-gay laws.

If they do speak out, it will step up the pressure on President Putin to stop the crackdown before his prized Olympics is ruined by the controversy. It would be a huge step toward repealing the anti-gay law he recently passed.

If we get 300,000 names, it’ll help get the delivery of the petition – and our outcry – reported in newspapers and websites around the world. All of these news reports act like a giant megaphone, turning every individual signature on an online petition into a shout for action that’s heard around world.

Please take 2 minutes to ask more people to join in. Click the pink buttons below to share on Facebook or Twitter:      

Or forward this email to more people and ask them to sign here:

Thanks for going All Out,

Andre, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Joe, Marie, Sara, Tile, and the rest of the All Out team.


An Olympic Legend on Boycotts and Bigotry - New York Times, 29 June 2013
http://bruni.blogs.nytimes.com/2 ... s-and-bigotry/?_r=1

Russia's 'majoritarian' crackdown on minorities rolls on with new anti-gay law - Christian Science Monitor, 1 July 2013
http://www.csmonitor.com/World/E ... th-new-anti-gay-law

Russian anti-gay laws inspire Sochi Olympics, vodka boycotts - Associated Press, 29 July 2013
http://bigstory.ap.org/article/r ... mpics-vodka-sales-0

Shame on the IOC, NBC and foreign governments for turning a blind eye on Russia's LGBT hate campaign - The Guardian, 29 July 2013
http://www.theguardian.com/comme ... gays-sochi-olympics

Support All Out!
We don't take money from governments or corporations, so the only people we have to listen to are our members. Our tiny team stretches every contribution to make them count.  

All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity – lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and all that's between and beyond – to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.

This is a campaign of Purpose Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.

Our mailing address is:
Purpose Action
115 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003

Copyright © 2013 AllOut.org, All rights reserved.

You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.

同志哥 | 2013-8-6 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
同志哥 | 2013-8-8 09:04 | 显示全部楼层

抵制俄罗斯索契冬奥会,全球已经 32 万人签名了。
同志哥 | 2013-8-8 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
匿名| 2013-8-8 14:08
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